Caged System

Know Your Guitar Neck

The Caged System is a way sub-dividing your guitar neck into 5 interconnecting scale patterns. Once these patterns are memorized, your guitar neck can be visualized as one big scale that encompasses the entire fret board.


The Guitar Caged System

Caged System


Caged System

There are advantages and disadvantages to just knowing this system. Don’t get me wrong, you absolutely want to do this. You want to know this so that you can open up your playing from one end of the neck to the other and have it make sense. You want to have access to everything.

The problem is, so……what do you do with it now that you know it? Cage System Visualizing Your Guitar Neck 1-3 will help you put the guitar caged system to use. It is more than just here it is and there you go. It will show you how to interconnect these patterns in a way that makes “musical sense”. I also emphasizes the importance of knowing the octave to octave scale patterns combined with knowing where all the notes on your guitar are located. It’s the secret to playing well.

Caged System








Caged System


17.50 level 5-6
Cage Study 1





Caged System


17.50   level 6+

Cage Study 2







Caged System

17.50 level 6+
Cage Study 3






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Guitar Ear Training

Reading Guitar Music

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Technique and Speed Drills


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