Rhythm Guitar

How To Strum a Guitar

So the questions are,What is the secret on How To Strum Rhythm Guitar?  What is the secret to How to Count Rhythm?

Great questions which are interlocked. Knowing how to “count” a rhythm pattern will give you hints on how to strum.

Time is an interesting thing and it is where many players struggle. Knowing which notes to play is half the ticket, but the other half is knowing when to play the notes. You have probably seen diagrams which compare note values. That is knowledge that you need to have.

Rhythm Guitar



Rhythm Guitar

The next thing to do is put that knowledge to use. First, you want to know how to count, then the next step is to develop your internal sense of time. This can be done by tapping your foot, or rocking (swaying) to a beat. If this does not come natural, you have to simplify and force yourself to do it until motion becomes part of your sense of time. As a word of encouragement, I know it will become natural because I have seen countless number players develop this skill when at first they were extremely awkward and uncoordinated in their effort.

Rhythm Guitar

Here is another truth about strumming. There is not just one, and only one way to strum any particular rhythm in terms of up strum and down strum. Even so, there are guidelines that you can use to develop your timing.

If the music you are working on only has quarter notes and eighth notes, then use all down strums on the quarter notes and a down up strum pattern on the eighth notes. This is a very simple example on a topic that can get quickly get complex as you start to add in time signatures, rests, 16th notes, triplets, and so on.

A good sense of timing is very important to a musician.


Rhythm Guitar



17.50  Level 3-5
Playing Rhythm Guitar Book 1





Rhythm Guitar


17.50  Level 4-6
Playing Rhythm Guitar Book 2








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